Welcome to Planet Earth! Here we are surrounded by a myriad swarm of life. We share our home with over EIGHT MILLION species of plants and animals. Humanity can only be enriched by the awe-inspiring abundance and variation of lifeforms, some of which are disappearing rapidly. Many of these lives are creatures that different cultures have not favored. All species, whether the beloved housecat or the hated mosquito, combine to make up the vast and colorful biosphere – and we ignore the underdogs at our own peril. This site aims to cover the natural history and ethical captive care of the less appreciated copilots of this Rocketship Earth, primarily invertebrates. Please check back often or subscribe to the blog as the site is continually, albeit gradually, being updated and added to. Also, feel free to contact us with feedback, experiences, or species requests! In the meantime, go outside. Hug a tree, flip a log, hold a leaf up to the sunlight. Pet a foraging bumblebee! Above all else, stay curious.

Russell Anderson
Chief Editor

We’ve done lots of research and used lots of gear. We like to share what we think works well for us, and this site includes links to some of these products. If you purchase through these Amazon Affiliate links we may receive a small commission.
